We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Tensor Time and Attendance Systems Improve Clocking Efficiency for TRB Lightweight Structures

TEN-CASE-TRB Structures

TRB Lightweight Structures design and manufacture solutions for reducing energy usage, and for weight-critical applications, across Rail, Aerospace, Defence, Motorsport and Industrial sectors.

Currently TRB employ some 170 people across 2 sites in Huntingdon and Peterborough.

TRB were searching for a solution to their time and attendance problems. The paper time sheets, filled in by hand, were often incomplete and/or difficult to read. Overtime, sickness and other timesheet-based calculations were taking up to 2 hours a week and were often inaccurate due to incomplete information. Processing payroll was significantly labour-intensive, taking additional hours of work due to manual re-entry.

TRB had a long list of features that they needed to solve all these problems they were encountering. This list included:

ability to handle multiple different shifts and overtime rates.

ability to manage long-term leave for payroll

employees to be able to submit their own holiday requests from a wide array of devices.

After a long process of deliberation and gathering quotes, TRB Lightweight Structures chose Tensor, for the following reasons:

Tensor addressed the key issues identified, including multiple complex shift rules (including allowances) and multiple rates of overtime depending on a number of factors. )

The Tensor system was found to be easy-to-use by all staff members, with key leave-management capability across a wide range of devices.

The quotation was within their budget

The Tensor system could easily be expanded to control areas such as HR, Access Control and fire roll call. (They did indeed take up these expansion opportunities in March 2017)

At the main Huntingdon site, TRB have a number of door readers and controllers for limiting access to key and sensitive areas, such as warehousing, offices, and restricted areas within production. They deployed multiple clocking points throughout the site, to cover both office and production staff.

Software-wise, they have the web and mobile versions of the Self Service Module (SSM), which allows employees to clock in and out at the click of a button on their mobile devices, and to request holidays and view their existing requests. TRB Lightweight Structures also make good use of the Tensor Access Control software, WinAC.NET, WinHR.NET for personnel management, and WinTA.NET for total control over the creation of working rules, Time and Attendance, Job Costing and System Security.

TRB installed the initial hardware and software themselves, before calling on the Tensor installation engineers for the expansion (adding access control and fire roll call modules to the system). Installation in both cases went smoothly and without issue.

Several staff members were trained at the Tensor Hail Weston headquarters, followed by further training back at their premises. James Eyre, Head of IT, said that the training was, “Delivered excellently, the trainer was incredibly knowledgeable about the system, whilst keeping things easy to understand and interesting.”

Whilst TRB are using many of the capabilities within their Tensor system, due to its feature-rich nature, they’ve identified several areas that could be utilised further-still to realise additional improvement.

Currently they describe using the following products and features:

At the main Huntingdon site, they use the Tensor systems for Access Control and Time and Attendance. A fire roll call feature is integrated into the system, linked to their fire alarm..

At Peterborough, the smaller secondary site, their use the system for Time and Attendance. They do have the fire roll call feature, but currently it is triggered manually. They are looking to integrate this as it is at Huntingdon.

At both sites, the managers use the Tensor.NET software and the the staff use Self Service Module (SSM) to perform functions such as requesting/allowing holiday.

James said “the SSM, in particular, was very easy to use, and updates since its initial installation have made it even more user-friendly, with a clear focus on user experience”. He added, “You (meaning the end user/a layperson) can just pick it up and run with it.” The smartcards he described as “incredibly simple to use, and without issue”.

TRB have used the Fire Roll-Call print-out many times in drills at their sites, both manually and automatically triggered, but thankfully there has been no cause to test it ‘for real’.

TRB had to call the Tensor helpdesk service a few times, and said that the service was good. The Tensor Operations Department engineers have been on site twice, once very recently to fix a failed power supply and once some time ago. The service they provided was good; “They came and got the job done, no problems.”

TRB are already looking into extending the T&A and Access Control systems into their new offices and have contacted Tensor about this.

When asked what TRB liked the best about the Tensor, James answered, “How easy it is to use, first time, for all staff members, particularly the SSM and the basic clocking in and out function.”

He would “absolutely” recommend Tensor to other companies “which had similar requirements to us. No issues at all.”

Asked to summarise TRB’s ongoing experience with Tensor and its products, James provided this statement:

“What we like the most about Tensor’s solution is its ease of use for all staff; from the intuitive web interface of SSM, through to the simplicity of the Smart fobs used across our sites for time and attendance as well as access control; further coupled with the modular approach, it allows for a feature-rich and highly capable system tailored to meet and change with our business needs.”


Customer Information

TRB Lightweight Structures Ltd.

12 Clifton Road, Huntingdon,


PE29 7EN,

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 1480 447400

TRB Lightweight Structures are exhibiting alongside European partner Seisenbacher at Innotrans in September, where they are launching a new composite rail door leaf, further showcasing their commitment to reducing energy usage within rail. They are also exhibiting at The Battery Show, North America, following on from their success at Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Expo, where they are illustrating their capabilities in design and manufacture of lightweight solutions for battery enclosures, vehicle flooring, interiors and more.