We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Maier Use Tensor for New Time & Attendance System

Payroll Manager Tracey Door and Mark Ray were in charge of finding a new Time & Attendance system when the UK part of the Spanish company Maier started up in Burntwood near Walsall. After investigating what was available in the market they elected on Tensor and a WinTA and WinPM system was installed in December 2000. This was further upgraded to a WinTA Enterprise and Personnel Enterprise system in November 2002.

The installation comprises a T2561 clocking station with 4 additional Smart Card scanners which provide access control within the building via electronic door locks.

The system is used for Time & Attendance of the 350 full-time employees, some of whom are based in Spain.

Joanne Holmes, Human Resources Officer and Tracey Door use the system on a daily basis. Both Tracy and Joanne said "the Tensor system is user friendly. We have no problems in setting up shifts or adding new employees and find it easy to create shift patterns and configure the system to our site structure, which includes any Spanish visitors"

Tracey has had training both at their site and at Hail Weston and "found it very good"

Joanne said the best thing about the Tensor is "as it’s Windows based it’s easy to use and the absence planner is great for getting information quickly"

Tracey said "the great thing about the system is the report generator as it allows us to generate our own customised reports"

Both echoed the same comment "it does the job it is there to do!"


Chasewater Heath Industrial Area Attwood Road Burntwood Walsall West Midlands WS7 8GJ