Latest Mobile SSM App Release (Version 4.0.33) Sees An Enhancement in Administrative Features

The latest release of our mobile Self Service Module app (version 4.0.33) sees an enhancement in administrative features, bringing the app in line with the web version of the SSM — all implemented to further enhance the maintenance of your workforce.


The latest enhancements are:

A new feature has been added where line managers can now book staff absences directly from the app. Normally, employees must request their absences through the SSM and managers can then authorise requests. This new feature allows line managers to book absences for staff when they may be unable to book themselves.

The settings screen has been further enhanced to include the use of two extra buttons. The buttons have been added to help make entering the web service URL easier for the user: a QR scanner to scan a URL and a copy button to copy the currently entered URL to the device clipboard.

Options have been added to allow Supervisors the ability to add photos. Employee photos are displayed if one exists and can now be uploaded either straight from the camera or the devices media gallery.

Finally, a complete swap out has occurred throughout the app. Previous versions of the app saw a ‘+’ option to submit requests in many of the app areas. This ‘+’ icon has now been swapped for a text option: ‘Submit’.



A number of faults were found when running the device in Offline mode. Normally, when the device has no data connection or has no WiFi enabled, the app should store the transactions locally and then send them once the connection has been restored. These faults included:

A fault was found when making offline absence requests. The app should queue the transactions and then send them once the data connection is restored. A fault was also found when making cancellations offline, this version resolves this problem.

A fault was found where the main Summary page was not working correctly when offline logging in when in offline mode did not load the User’s latest data correctly. Changes have been made to the summary page and is now able to load/refresh data whether the app is started while offline or not. The data also continues to update correctly if the user goes online/offline.

The ‘Feature unavailable when offline’ message is not displayed when WiFi and mobile data is not available; the app should inform the user that certain features are not available. This has now been resolved.

Timesheet Amendment request transactions were not being queued whilst the device was offline or had no data connection. Changes have now been made which stores the transactions locally on the device until the data connection is restored.

Cancelling Absence while the device was in ‘Offline’ mode was also found to be a problem, no requests were found to be queueing.

We also address a number of individual bugs since the latest update, these included:

A fault was found when adding delegations, the fault occurred when ticking options after trying to allocate a delegation.

After making an Absence request, the request will sit in a ‘Pending’ status until the Line Manager has authorised it. A problem was found where you could not cancel a pending absence request if you changed your mind as the cancel button was disabled.

In the ‘Delegation’ menu option, the app should display an employee name in both the ‘Delegated to’ and ‘Delegated from’ display when delegations have been applied. A problem was found where it was not displaying employee records correctly.

A problem was found where an employee would cancel their absence request, the supervisor would then authorise the cancellation but then the Absence was still showing on the Supervisory Absence planner. It was found that the app was displaying approved requests.

A fault was found when trying to change from the default language English to German. When changing on the desktop SSM, the changes are supposed to apply the changes to the Mobile SSM app.

A fault was found when adding +1 day clock out time (night shifts staff clocking after midnight). The app was not handling this correctly on the amendment screen and showing the same day but the web SSM is working ok. A similar fault was also found on Flexi-Staff making Absence requests past midnight where 2 days Annual Leave were showing.

A fault was found when supervisors adding a new delegation for the same day, the "Update" and "Delete" icons were missing. This meant the Supervisor could not add delegations on the same day.

A fault was found for Supervisors when checking their subordinate’s absences in the Tasks option. Any absence awaiting authorisations was not showing the details or work day count.

A fault was found where employees that were being ‘Denied’ absence requests by their Supervisor were not having this displayed on their calendar. Normally, employees would be notified of the denied request but this would also show on their calendar.

A fault was found when using the app as a Supervisor, the employee list in Supervisors calendar did not sort the employee list out alphabetically.

An error was discovered where employees could make the same Absence request several times, further to this, the Supervisor would receive multiple requests for the same Absence. This would obviously cause confusion so this has now been restricted so the absence will now conflict with pending requests.

All bugs mentioned above have been resolved.