We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

New verification process for overseas qualifications launched to combat CSCS card fraud

Making sure that the verification of overseas qualifications is in line with that already in place for UK based applications is a top priority for the CSCS, who has recently announced a new process aimed at tackling fraud in this sector, according to a recent news report into this matter.

The main issue here is that, historically, applicants with overseas qualifications were required to apply to the UK’s international qualifications agency UK NARIC for an evaluation of their qualifications before applying for a CSCS card.

However, the evaluation of overseas vocational qualifications was carried out in the broadest sense and did not include detailed mapping against the relevant UK National Occupational Standard (NOS) for Vocational Qualifications. Determining the equivalency of overseas qualifications was inconsistent with the detailed mapping against a NOS that takes place for UK based applications.

The process also attracted attention from those operating in the black market with CSCS regularly receiving fraudulent documentation (qualification certificates) from overseas applicants.

As part of the wider strategy for combatting fraud CSCS worked with UK NARIC to introduce “Primary Source Verification” (PSV) into the application process.

PSV involves investigating the origin of the qualification, including the college it was delivered, to prove its authenticity. Since October 2017 all overseas applications must now pass this additional verification process.

Overseas construction workers wishing to work in the UK must now have the technical content of their overseas vocational qualification mapped against the relevant UK National Occupational Standard for that occupation. This provides an in-depth record of each individual’s skills and capabilities, mapped against units in the National Occupational Standard for their trade.

The mapping to National Occupational Standards will help to ensure that workers have the training they require for their job and will pinpoint areas for additional training, if required.


Tensor is a preferred CSCS IT Partner and, as such, has further advanced our integration with the CSCS smartcard to enable features such as auto-learn – when a CSCS smartcard is scanned, several credentials from the CSCS smartcardare auto-inserted into the Tensor.NET software including photograph, name, title, CSCS card number and CSCS card expiry date to allow a seamless data entry facility.

Tensor .NET then automatically inserts the CSCS smartcard’s expiry date into the employee leavers date field to ensure that the Tensor.NET denies access to a CSCS smartcard user who attempts to gain access with an expired CSCS smartcard.

Other advanced features that can be enabled include a separate verification processwhere CSCS smartcard holders must report to a Site Manager for the Site Manager to verify the Contractor’s details before permitting the CSCS smartcard to enter a site. This can be conducted on a site-by-site basis or can be applied to permit usage of a CSCS smartcard across a number of sites.

The CSCS smartcard, when used in conjunction with Tensor’s .NET software, Access Control and Time & Attendance products, provides a very powerful and cost effective means of centralising Time & Attendance, Advanced Access Control and Fire/Evacuation roll-call, re-using an existing CSCS smartcard as base for the entire system.

If you’d like to find out more about the Tensor access control systems and its integration with CSCS cards, just contacts us or Book a Demo, our representatives will be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.