We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Tensor SSVM App Version 3.0.32 Introduces New Features and Enhancements

Tensor SSVM App Version 3.0.32 Introduces New Features and Enhancements

New Features & Enhancements

Scan Code and Copy Buttons – To match other Tensor Apps, the settings screen has been further enhanced to include the use of two extra buttons. The buttons have been added to help make entering the Web Service URL easier for the user. A QR scanner to scan a URL - Administrator users can now create their own QR code (e.g. from a Chrome QR creator) and then email it to new users who can then use the ‘Scan Code’ to auto-insert their settings. A copy button to copy the currently entered URL to the device clipboard, this can then be emailed to users to be entered into their device.


Android Tablets – An issue was found with the Yes/No type question, the drop down menu failed to load so an answer could not be selected.

Alignment – The Check IN and Check OUT buttons were found to not align and should align with the Text and Logo on the same screen. This has been changed so the Check IN and OUT buttons now fill the width of the screen so they are always aligned no matter where the logo is displayed.

Adhoc Appointments – An issue was found with the Duration & Company dropdown menus. After creating a new Adhoc appointment nothing happened when selecting the duration dropdown. These options have now had the style changed from 'popover' to 'action-sheet' instead.

Style Changes – many style changes have been made to the text and displays to fit more on the screens, these include:

Font size has been decreased slightly

Checkboxes have less margin around them

Signature pad is now a maximum 190px tall and 500px wide

Max characters display in question is now 140 rather than 200 so it should fit onto 2 lines

These changes are to overcome some character and sizing issues found after changing the Check IN/OUT buttons.

Logos with 'svg' extensions were found to not display correctly, this file type can now be used as well as the other ‘jpeg’ types.

Autofocus – When finding an appointment by name the ‘Autofocus’ didn’t seem to work correctly meaning users had to click the field even though this was the only field on screen. This will now been resolved and will autofocus within milliseconds.