We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Big Energy Saving Week 2015: Cut your fuel bills, save energy and money!

HeatingSave Building Energy Management System

The Big Energy Saving Week 2015, the campaign by Citizens Advice, the Energy Saving Trust and the Department of Energy and Climate Change that aims to highlight other ways for homeowners to save money on their heating bills with tips including the best ways to insulate a house, the most efficient way to use a heating system and little tricks to reduce heat loss, was officially launched today.

The week focuses on raising public awareness of the switching energy supplier/tariff to get the best deal and efficiency issues.

It will show home owners how to save money on their fuel bills by checking they’re not paying more than they have to, while also providing information and guidance on switching their energy supplier.

Moreover, it will offer useful and informative advice on making homes more energy efficient.

Building energy management systems can help you cut your bills, save energy and money

Installing an advanced BEMS (Building Energy Management System) is the perfect way to reduce your energy-related expenditure, and this is exactly where the HeatingSave system developed by Tensor might prove its worth, since our solution allows customers to achieve immediately savings of up to 30%+ on their energy bills.

Energy Management Systems are designed to optimize energy consumption within a building and reduce carbon emissions. In the private sector, this most usually applies to offices and factories, especially to firms with a large number of smaller buildings.

HeatingSave uses a radical new approach to the concept of energy management, since there’s absolutely no need to replace one’s existing boilers, plant of equipment. In fact, it simply retrofits to existing heating systems, replacing where the time clock/BMS was situated, and is comparatively inexpensive and simple to install with a fast payback.

HeatingSave is approved to work and save fuel by the Carbon Trust, The Department of Energy & Climate Change, the Energy Savings Trust and it is OfGem CER approved.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of energy management solutions supplied by Tensor, just contact us or Book a Demo, our representatives will be more than happy to answer any questions or queries you might have.