We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

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Fire Roll Call app

Time & Attendance

Fire Roll Call Splash Screen

Streamline fire safety and evacuation routines

Modernise the way your businesses handle evacuation procedures – say goodbye to paper registers of all personnel. Tensor’s Fire Roll Call app, along with our time and attendance systems, have been designed to ensure that all personnel are accounted for quickly and efficiently.

This app is compatible Android and iOS devices to work as an electronic, portable fire roll call register for emergency evacuations. The app provides real-time information on people’s location on-site and their safety status. It intended to replace the checking of a paper-based register of on-site personnel and to ensure that all members of staff and/or visitors are accounted for.

Fire Safety and evacuation process streamlined

Streamline how your business handles emergency scenarios such as fire drills - no more paper rotas or disorganisation.

Fire Roll Call App

Replaces paper-based registers of on-site personnel

Say goodbye to paper registers and modernise your fire safety routine. Easily account for all your visitors and staff in the palm of your fire warden's hand.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tensor's Fire Roll Call App

Key Features at a glance

How our Time & Attendance system has made a difference

“Fire drill roll call and the overall ability to identify which members of staff are on-site is of utmost important – and Tensor helps us do this,
thomas ridley food
Thomas Ridley Food Service
“The system sends an email to the management team on site, and the management team can use the Fire Roll Call app on their mobile phones so the data of who is on/off site is instantly accessible"
master builders solutions
Master Builders Solutions UK

Are you interested in our Fire Roll Call (FRC) Mobile App? Why not book a demo to see the product in action?

Download our Fire Roll Call brochure