We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Change working rules to use a specific shift on public holidays

Departing BBC directors’ pay-offs have been compared to lottery wins. An example of the huge payments was Caroline Thomson. Previously the BBC’s chief operating officer on a reported salary of £335,000 a year, she gained £670,000 when exiting the organisation in September. The sum was revealed by BBC leaders during a Public Accounts Committee evidence session. Committee member Guto Bebb quipped: “It looks as though losing a job at the BBC is the same as winning the lottery.”

Take total control of the payments made and hours worked in your organisation with an integrated Tensor Time and Attendance System. Work patterns in our WinTA network are a combination of daily rules that are either a repeating pattern of shifts or a list of alternative working rules. Here, WinTAnet will predict the most appropriate shift depending on when an employee starts work. Each type of pattern can be set up to override the normal pattern and use a specific shift on public holidays.