We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) to reform its green cards

From July 2014 people applying for or renewing the entry level green (labourers) card under the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) will be required to complete a level 1 vocational qualification course in health and safety for construction labourers, a news report revealed.

Monitor Contractor Attendance and Worked Hours using a CSCS card and a Tensor system

This reform is considered to be very important by the CSCS since it’s been abused by numerous companies and contractors across the UK (the green card was easier to qualify for than other CSCS cards and therefore provided easy entry to construction sites).

Employers are likely to be directly affected by these changes, since it’s believed that they’ll also have to support the higher costs of training workers will need in order to obtain the qualifications required to achieve the revised green card.

Steve Murphy, General Secretary of UCATT, said: “We welcome the CSCS reform of the green card scheme. This will help to ensure that workers have the right card for the right job. This will be a major step forward in achieving a 100 per cent qualified and competent workforce.”

Tensor plc supplies a very versatile access control solution for companies actively involved in the construction segment. Construction workers and other people who hold a CSCS card can use their existing card to clock onto a Tensor Time & Attendance system and/or gain access to a construction site or similar, or use the CSCS card to gain access through turnstiles or car park barriers.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of access control solutions supplied by Tensor, just contact us or Book a Demo, we’d be more than happy to answer any question or query you might have.