We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Durable Tensor turnstile equipment raises money from public toilets

Simply by using specialist and state of the art equipment from Tensor plc, local authorities can increase revenue, attract more visitors and promote growth and investment in their borough. They can do this through encouraging a facility that has been in decline but is in fact the only one that every person needs – a public toilet. The company’s range of toilet turnstiles is a way of addressing this overlooked issue. The number of public toilets has declined roughly by 15 per cent in the past decade despite the population growing. It is not the initial investment that puts off councils, but the ongoing costs of maintaining them, running into £1,000s per annum.

Local authorities are allowed to charge for toilet provision under the Public Health Act 1936, and this is where the Tensor group’s toilet turnstiles come in. Steady and significant revenues can be generated from the turnstiles to maintain the toilets. Our durable graded stainless steel turnstiles offer improved security and are supplied complete with a two year warranty.

If people have to pay a nominal entrance fee it also discourages casual abuse, vandalism and unwanted intrusion – more importantly all members of the public will feel more comfortable and secure about using them. The coin mechanism can be programmed for virtually any combination of coins with a secure cash box to hold the coins, while high security options are available.