We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Embryo HR system inserts breaks if employees forget to clock them

There could be an end to paid union time at work. Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude has initiated a consultation into how much paid time staff should be allowed to carry out union business at their desks. Mr Maude said: “In the civil service alone tens of millions of pounds are spent on trade union facility time and across the public sector that figure is much higher.” He concluded: “It isn’t right that taxpayers are funding full-time union representatives.”

WinTA Start is an embryo clocking and HR system from Tensor for Time and Attendance, comprising a T32xx Smart Card clocking station and 25 Smart Cards. It can manage time and attendance recording for up to 50 people. User-definable working rules, rosters and shifts include a summary of clocking details which can be viewed at-a-glance. Human resources staff or supervisors can define multiple paid or unpaid breaks and ask WinTA Start to insert breaks if an employee forgets to clock them.