We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Employees can change shifts in advance with clocking software

Thousands of people attended a rally arranged by the Scottish Trades Union Congress in Edinburgh to demonstrate against public sector cuts. The protest was to highlight the UK government's fiscal tightening, which heralds the most stringent cuts since the Second World War and threatens thousands of public sector jobs. George Samson, of the Dundee Pensioners Forum, said: "We're here to defend public services. Pensioners depend on these services, and these cuts that are forthcoming are going to affect us adversely."

Our smart card clocking and software recording systems are unsurpassed at collecting accurate and reliable time and attendance clocking data, which will aid your firm or organisation in becoming leaner, fitter and more profitable. There are numerous extra features that can be implemented on your time and attendance system to take into account diversity with working rules between different organisations. For example, in Auto Clockout employees are automatically clocked out at a certain time. The Shift Swapping function means that employees may have their shift for a particular day changed in advance.