Gates to disallow site entry cope with severe operating conditions

Last weekend was the traditional FA Cup third round when the Premier League big boys enter the fray. However a dampener was put on one club’s day when it was burgled just ahead of hosting Everton. The break-in occurred at Cheltenham Town’s training ground and was reported at 12:30 GMT on Sunday. A police spokesman said the thieves entered the training rooms 10:45 GMT and midday. Among the items stolen were wallets and a smart phone.

Gates, barriers, and turnstiles from Tensor fully integrate with our access control systems giving you full jurisdiction over access around your site. A Tensor security system can stop vehicles or personnel at the relevant barrier and disallow entry or exit until they identify themselves via their smart card and/or biometric fingerprint. The system gives full control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of the day. A Tensor gate (a sliding version is pictured) can cope with severe operating conditions.

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