Helpdesk support to businesses having trouble adjusting to Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time starts at 2am on Sunday (October 30, 2011). Business will have to adjust their clocks and other systems like their PC networks or clocking regimes which rely on telling the correct time. Also, the EU Working Time Directive provides a complex set of employment rules and regulations that govern the number of hours an employee can work, and ultimately dictates the way all companies within the EU must operate.
Tensor supplies time and attendance .NET systems that are the best available at handling all clocking recording methods. Tensor WinTA Lite, WinTA Enterprise, WinTA Access Enterprise, WinTA 16, WinTA CS or Tensor.NET systems will all need their Daylight Saving Time information changed, as this will affect the time shown on your Smart Card clocking stations. The changes are easily done – however, for those who require personal advice, the Tensor Helpdesk is easily contactable by telephone, fax, email or via this link. Helpdesk support is free to customers with current maintenance contracts.