We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Helpdesk support via modem or online for time and attendance network

More industrial disputes are expected in the New Year at a well-known canning company after management and unions failed to resolve a row over pay. Members of the Unite union at the Heinz site in Wigan took strike action over the festive period. Heinz said it had “worked hard to improve what we already believed was a very fair offer” and was disappointed with the outcome of the talks. The company said the current offer to workers was equivalent to 4% one year and 3% in the next.

Tensor supplies an array of complete Smart Card Time and Attendance systems which establish comprehensive user-definable working patterns, rosters and shifts. One of these is WinTA Start, which includes a T32xx Smart Card clocking station; 25 contactless Smart Cards; and software including all the features to manage time and attendance recording for up to 50 people. Our support structure is second-to-none since a helpdesk network is available via modem, telephone or online.