How Is a Time and Attendance System Used Today?

visitor management system

The working world is constantly evolving, and so is the way that a Time and Attendance System is used.

A Time and Attendance System is adaptable and dependable no matter what changes the working world throws at it. With the rapid increase in hybrid and remote working, Time and Attendance Systems have had the capabilities to adapt to the needs of businesses and organisations across the globe.

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Time and Attendance before Hybrid/Remote working

Prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, Time and Attendance Systems were largely used on-site, where employees would physically clock themselves in and out of shifts using employee smart cards and clocking stations.

Time and Attendance Systems were mostly only required to clock themselves in when arriving at work, clock out and in for their lunch break, and out again when leaving work. Nowadays, Time and Attendance is used for much more, and can be used right across the country or globe for national and international businesses/organisations that adopt hybrid and remote working.

Hybrid working uses Time and Attendance

Hybrid working and full-time remote working is made possible, and streamlined, thanks to Time and Attendance Software. Without a sufficient attendance software, working from home would be extremely difficult for both employers and employees.

Accurate recording of worked hours

Time and Attendance Software ensures that employees are able to clock in and out of shifts from thier homes. A Time and Attendance System not only allows employees to do this, but it also provides them with an accurate audit trail of hours worked from home when pay day comes around.

On the flip side, a Time and Attendance System with Attendance Software allows employers to track worked hours and compare them to the volume of work produced. This can have a positive impact on the productivity of employees as it means working from home does not just mean having a day off.

Automatic payroll exporting & audit

An automatic payroll export feature generates export file for importing into a payroll system which is vital for businesses that require a fast, accurate, and reliable payroll time and time again. A Time and Attendance System also provides an accurate audit of the payroll (when they were producaed and who by) meaning all employees, on-site, hybrid, and remorse, are all accounted for.

Booking annual leave

A Time and Attendance System can be utilised by hybrid and remorse workers to book annual leave and request other periods of absence such as sick leave, doctors appointments, and so on. This can all be done from the comfort of an employees home, using their desktop computer, laptop, or mobile phone.

Instant fire roll call

As we know, hybrid working means an employees week is split into working both from home and in the office/on-site. The days in which employees are on site, they will need to be protected in the event of a fire or other emergency. A Time and Attendance System can provide an instant fire roll call for fire marshalls, allowing them to quickly and confidently be reassured of every single employees presence.

If you would like to know more about a Time and Attendance System can be used within your business today, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Tensor team today who will be happy to help.