We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

How to accurately record working hours and meet requirements of EU law

A current case in the European Court that is set to review whether an inability to work full-time could be a disability could make an impact on the UK’s existing legislation. The definition has not been reviewed since 2006. UK law currently identifies a number of key indicators of disability, such as the length of any incapacity. Temporary illness is not generally covered so any verdict to the contrary by the court could place the UK’s existing legislation in doubt.

All companies are ultimately looking for an easy and accurate method of recording their workers’ hours and breaks for payroll, job costing and legislation purposes. The EU Working Time Directive provides a complex set of employment rules and regulations that govern the number of hours an employee can work, and ultimately dictates the way all companies within the EU must operate. All Tensor time and attendance systems come complete with advanced software to help your company meet the requirements of EU law.