How To Save Money with Time and Attendance

How To Save Money with Time and Attendance

Time & Attendance is a huge money-saver for businesses and organisations in today's working climate.

As inflation continues to rise, and businesses are faced with the highest running costs ever experienced, it has never been more important to make savings where possible.

With inflation in the UK at almost 10%, which is close to a 40-year-high, we are certain that a Time and Attendance System will take the financial pressure off your organisations shoulders.

How Does Time & Attendance Save Me Money?

By installing a Time and Attendance System you will save money in areas that you have never thought of, or never even thought were possible.

Firstly, you will never fall victim to time fraud again - meaning you will only be paying employees for the actual time they’ve worked. This is especially important for those who have a remote or hybrid working model, in order to know exactly when an employee clocks in and out of shifts.

Time and Attendance

Additionally, a Time and Attendance System also provides users with an extremely fast Return on Investment. Often faster for bigger companies with a large number of employees, a Time and Attendance System will pay users back by ensuring that money isn’t over spent in areas which can be tracked, such as staff attendance.

Tracking staff attendance with an Attendance System, will massively improve the accuracy of your payroll and, therefore, ensure staff are paid only for the hours they are worked.

Of course, installing a Time and Attendance System is a big, and possibly expensive, step for some companies with a limited budget. Thankfully, we have you covered! Try out our Time & Attendance Return on Investment calculator below, using the Bradford Index to calculate repeat employee absences.

Bradford Factor Calculator

Discover your savings today!

ROI Calculator

Time & Attendance Software

No Time and Attendance System can function without expert software accompanying it. This is why, at Tensor, we provide an Employee Clocking System that can be used by every type of employee whether they are office-based, remote or hybrid workers.

Known as the Self-Service Module, our employee clocking system is an app that allows employees to clock in and out of shifts, book themselves on and off site for fire evacuation purposes (if office-based), as well as book annual leave - all from the comfort of their mobile phone, laptop or desktop computer.

Not only does a Time and Attendance System save your business money, ensure an accurate payroll and give employers peace-of-mind, but also provides a fast and easy-to-use attendance software for employees to use.

For more information about how a Time and Attendance System can help your organisation save money, please get in touch with a member of the Tensor team today who will be happy to assist.

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