We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Improve classroom behaviour with simple PC method of recording attendance

Fewer pupils are being permanently excluded from school in England, say the latest official figures. The numbers fell by more than 11% last year. Department for Education figures show 5,080 pupils were expelled in 2010-11. Maggie Atkinson, Children’s Commissioner for England, applauded the statistics but was concerned that certain groups were over-represented. For example, pupils on free school meals were nearly four times more likely to be permanently excluded and three times more likely to get a fixed-term exclusion.

A method of improving behaviour in the classroom is to install PC Clock from Tensor. This is a simple PC based booking system ideal for places where each pupil has access to a computer. WinTA PC Clock is a cost-effective method of recording attendance as there is no need for a new time and attendance network (for example if your school has already adopted one for staff). PC Clock’s analysis module consists of a scaled-down version of Tensor's acclaimed WinTA Lite time and attendance software.