We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Making the transition from analogue to IP video security cameras seamless and cost effective

Companies wanting to replace their older analogue surveillance video cameras with a modern, digital, IP-based surveillance system are faced with some tough decisions, especially if they want the whole migration process to be as cost-effective as possible.

Making the transition from analogue to IP video security cameras seamless and cost effective image 1

Probably the most difficult choice is related to the existing infrastructure (if any) and the costs of either replacing it altogether or using some of it for the upgraded system.

Naturally, installing a completely new system is the ideal situation, the long-term benefits significantly outweighing the equipment and installation costs. First of all, we’re talking about latest-generation equipment, guaranteed to meet your surveillance requirements for a very long time.

Then, using IP digital cameras will overhaul one’s surveillance experience, these high-definition devices enabling not only a superior imagine quality, but also the easier retrieval of recorded footage. Moreover, their superior pan-tilt and zoom functionality (as well as enhanced night-time efficiency due to the more sensitive sensors) enables the use of fewer cameras for covering a significantly larger area.

If replacing the entire infrastructure is not a viable solution, the company is left with one of three choices: keep the existing analogue CCTV cameras, but install a hybrid digital recording solution; opt for dual-output IP cameras (both analogue and digital), and keep their original recording solution; or go for hybrid products at both ends.

A company that decides to go for a hybrid digital recording solution will be able to keep their existing analogue CCTV camera network and also enjoy the superior management and control options provided by a digital recording solution. On the other hand, they won’t benefit from the superior image quality and zoom capabilities enabled by latest-generation IP cameras.

If the company opts for the second solution, they’ll be investing a bit more when buying the cameras, but they’ll get to keep their existing infrastructure. Furthermore, they’ll also future-proof their surveillance system, as they’ll be able to easily connect the new IP cameras to a more modern infrastructure and digital recorder at any time in the future.

Without a doubt, the most cost-effective solution of the three is to use both a hybrid, dual-output IP camera and a hybrid recorder. In this way, the original IT infrastructure will stay in place, thus minimizing costs and installation-related disruptions, while the company will still manage to benefit from all the benefits provided by an IP high-definition solution.

At Tensor, we believe that each particular installation has to be customized in order to perfectly meet the customer’s requirements. For this reason, we deliver consultancy, concept, design, procurement, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, training and monitoring services, meaning that we can help you through every step of the process of installing or upgrading a CCTV surveillance system and still keep costs within the set budget.

Our highly experienced Project Managers and Integration Engineers will first assess the existing infrastructure and will advise you on the optimum upgrade solution, providing a comprehensive analysis on the Pros and Cons of every type of available installation.

If you’d like to find out more about the Tensor CCTV Surveillance solutions, just contact our dedicated product team or Book a Demo, in order to see what our reliable, integrated and affordable products are all about.