We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Office clocking software can use a specific shift on public holidays

A firm is investigating going over to a regime of longer shift patterns as one way to slash costs. The south-western printing concern Wyndeham has entered talks with the Unite union over the economy drive at its Cornwall base. Wyndeham stated that the depot had “a very positive future” based on implementing changes. Steve Sibbald, Unite national officer, said: “Unite will be urging all employees not to accept any cuts in terms and conditions.”

Tensor offers a range of combined payroll and clocking monitoring systems that meet all major hours calculation methods. The WinTAnet time and attendance system can deal with overtime, night shifts and more. Using WinTAnet’s software, work patterns are a combination of daily rules that are either a repeating pattern of shifts or a list of alternative rules. Here, WinTAnet will predict the most appropriate shift depending on when an employee starts work. Each type of pattern can be set up to override the normal pattern and use a specific shift on public holidays.