ONVIF and SIA partner for developing new access control standards
The next-generation of highly secure access control standards will be developed as a result of the collaborative efforts of the Open Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) and the Security Industry Association (SIA).
The Security Industry Association developed the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) standard that addresses interoperability among peripheral devices, such as card readers and security control panels. Based on the RS-484 protocol for point-to-point serial connection, OSDP seeks to take the place of the industry’s longtime Wiegand protocol (also a SIA standard) for communicating among access control devices.
The new, more secure OSDP standard is already being implemented by numerous manufacturers and SIA’s next step is to expand OSDP into the IP networked environment. That’s where SIA’s interests converge with those of ONVIF, which has led development of IP standards, including its new Profile C for access control.
ONVIF and SIA have now formally announced their plans to collaborate and harmonize their respective initiatives related to access control.
“Both SIA and ONVIF recognise that our respective access control efforts to date are complementary, in that we have been approaching the goal of access control standards from two different angles, ONVIF at the system level and SIA more targeted between peripheral devices,” says Per Bjorkdahl, chairman of ONVIF’s Steering Committee. “We anticipate our mutual support and collaboration [in the future] will result in a more comprehensive outcome that provides greater benefits to the industry.”
Tensor plc is the No.1 British designer and manufacturer of smart card – based access control and time and attendance terminals. We supply top-quality, reliable and secure Access Control Systems that adhere to the latest industry standards.
You can control most standard types of internal/external electronic door releases and physical security devices such as barriers and turnstiles making full use of location points, whether in full view or hidden out of sight.
Operated by contactless smart cards, key fobs or biometrics, a Tensor Access System gives you full control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of any day, placing it at the forefront of security solutions.
Tensor Access Control is modular in design, and has the advanced capability of being able to be adapted and extended to integrate with a time and attendance system seamlessly and without complication.
If you’d like to find out more about the extensive range of access control solutions supplied by Tensor, just contact us or Book a Demo, we’d be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.