We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Personnel product includes training information for pending company courses

“Occasionally saying we have the best generation of teachers we’ve ever had in no way compensates for the onslaught of attacks,” is the call of arms from union boss Christine Blower. The NUT general secretary is advocating strikes by teachers over pay in the autumn term while fellow union leaders suggested refusing to co-operate with some government initiatives. At a joint press conference this week Ms Blower and NASUWT leader Chris Keates said the teaching profession was in “crisis”.

Easily upgradable Personnel and Time and Attendance integrated products from Tensor allow the bespoke installation of a new version as and when your company grows in size. All versions of Tensor’s software come complete with EU Working Time Directive modules. The software includes training information for pending courses, including locations, descriptions and notes; plus a Pay Reviewer function including reports, projected pay increases and salary expenditure. Overtime, multiple pay bands/shifts and night shifts are other features of our leading attendance recording smart card systems.