Personnel software features projected pay increases and salary expenditure

New figures suggest public sector salaries have gone up despite a pay freeze having been imposed. In order to shave billions off the public purse, two years ago chancellor George Osborne imposed a two-year freeze on pay, with the provision of a £250 flat rate increase for workers earning below the £21,000 per annum threshold. However, public servants are still entitled to incremental pay rises within their grade’s wage band, so this accounts for the overall increase.

Personnel software from Tensor completely integrates with both the WinTA Lite and WinTA Enterprise time and attendance systems. Extensive information stored on each employee in your company using Tensor Personnel. One of its very useful features is the Pay Reviewer which includes reports, projected pay increases and salary expenditure. The Screen Designer allows you to completely customise the way that data can be entered into the system. Other functions include: Training Information for pending courses, including locations, descriptions and notes; and Letter Writer incorporating mailmerge functionality.

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