We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Poor quality people management is costing UK businesses up to £84bn a year

Tensor Workforce Management System

Poor quality people management is costing UK businesses around £84bn a year, a new report by Investors in People (IIP) has been able to reveal.

The paper, People Management Benchmark: Impact on Investing in People, found that ‘adopting sustainable good quality practices’ would have the biggest positive impact for an organisation’s bottom line. On the other hand, evaluating the effect of said practices on any business is a whole different matter.

One practice examined by the IIP, ‘structuring work’, had a positive impact in medium and large firms but actually had a negative impact on small firms. The results would suggest that smaller firms benefit from a more fluid way of working rather than the formalised ‘structuring’ where tasks or team work is aligned with business goals.

The professional and financial services sector has the most to gain from boosting the quality of its people management as the research estimated that implementing best practice would generate an efficiency gain of £29.9bn.

Proportionally, the health and social care industry had the most potential to improve its performance, with a boost of 8.9 per cent to its efficiency. Such development would also help to reduce workforce disengagement, an issue that was highlighted earlier this year in a separate survey.

Tensor plc – experts in the field of people and workforce management

Tensor plc offers a range of solutions designed specifically to streamline workforce and skills management within companies of any sizes. Our WinHR suite enables managers to save and easily access a wide array of data pertaining to each of their employees, thus allowing them to better use the available resources and skill ranges at any given moment.

Moreover, Tensor’s range of workforce management systemsoffer both a high level of reliability and good value for money, which means that companies who do decide to implement our solutions will immediately see the returns, without taking a hit as far as their balances are concerned.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of skills management and Time and Attendance solutions supplied by Tensor, just contact us or Book a Demo, our representatives will be more than happy to answer any questions or queries you might have.