Proper use of employee-related data could help boost UK productivity by 3%

Tensor Workforce Management System

The proper use of employee-related data (attendance, skills, qualifications, etc.) could help the UK bolster its productivity levels by around 3%, recent research carried out by innovation charity Nesta has been able to find.

The research found that if companies that do not use data extensively behaved more like data active companies (datavores, data builders and data mixers), this could boost the UK’s productivity by 3%. This is equivalent to an extra £1 per hour worked.

On the other hand, the report also found that data active companies are struggling to source the required technical skills. Around 15% of datavores and 10% of data builders struggled to fill five vacancies or more.

Hasan Bakhshi, director of creative economy at Nesta, said: “Data-savvy businesses in sectors as wide-ranging as manufacturing, financial services, pharmaceuticals and creative media perform more strongly than other firms.

“Addressing the data skills shortages we have identified should be an important element of the chancellor’s strategy for closing the UK’s productivity gap with its competitors.”

Tensor workforce management solutions deliver clear and accurate employee-related data

Tensor plc is a market leader in the workforce management solutions’ segment. We supply an extensive range of systems designed specifically to help HR departments record accurate data regarding the employee’s activity, their performance, as well as their attendance.

Our flagship WinTA.NET integrated workforce management solution incorporates a dedicated Absence Planning and Entitlement Management feature.

WinTA.NET is a web enabled, mobile / wireless technology based Time & Attendance system designed for those companies employing 20 people to 10,000+. The solution provides total control over the creation of working rules, Access Control, Job Costing and System Security and has specifically been designed for multiple companies, each managing multiple sites.

Our comprehensive, yet user-friendly software comes pre-loaded with graphical calendar charts that provide a colourful way of viewing an individual’s or a department’s absence records.

WinTA.NET supplies the relevant managers with information on employee’s absences through warning email notifications or via hardcopy reports. After that, the system would rapidly identify missing employees that are expected to be at work and then informs you via automatic email reporting reports distributed by email.

If you’d like to find out more about the Tensor workforce management solutions, just contact our team or Book a Demo, we’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.