We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Self service module allows workers to request leave via the internet

The BBC is planning to cut an estimated 2,000 jobs in order to trim one-fifth from its budget over the next five years. This follows the decision by the UK government to freeze the BBC licence fee for six years. Director of BBC News Helen Boaden announced there would be up to 800 post closures in news alone. That would be offset by the creation of new positions, meaning a total reduction in staff of between 550 and 650.

Web enabled Time and Attendance systems from Tensor are unmatched on the market for comprehensive employee HR management. Our WinTAnet brings mobile and wireless technology based Time & Attendance for those employing 20 people to 10,000-plus, so it would suit large organisations like the BBC. Absenteeism and lateness reporting plus annualised hours and flexi patterns are just some of the advanced functions. An on-line Self Service module allows staff to check hours, request leave and other functions via internet, mobile or other communications.