Shop access system controls most magnetic door locks or releases
A shop owner lamented that hundreds of jewellery items had been taken in a raid last lasted just a few minutes late on Sunday. The gang smashed through metal shutters and a door to enter the building. Owner Sarah France said of the Hampshire premises: “There was a lot of damage. They kicked the outside shutter in. It took them quite a long time. They took hundreds of beads and bracelets. They knew exactly what they wanted.”
Access Control systems from Tensor use smart card technology to increase your building, shop, site or office security. The system will control most standard types of internal or external electronic, magnetic door locks or releases. It will control your car park barriers, turnstiles, site entrance gates, roller doors or almost any other mechanism that provides physical security. Access Control Profiles are easily created or customised to suit your particular site, and can be varied minute-by-minute and for particular employees at your organisation.