We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Sick days costing UK business nearly £29 billion a year, study reports

Despite taking fewer days off sick than in previous years, UK workers still require four times more time off than their counterparts from other countries, which is costing UK business nearly £29 billion a year, research carried out by consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has revealed.

British employees work 6.5 extra hours to cover for colleagues’ absence image 1

According to a media news report on this topic, the research study found that UK workers take average 9.1 days off from their jobs each year because of sickness, which is nearly double the amount workers in the US take (4.9 days of sickness a year), four times more than their counterparts in Asia-Pacific (2.2 days) and higher than Western Europe (7.3 days).

Hence, the associated cost of staff sickness had also risen, now accounting for £28.8 billion of the UK’s overall £31.1 billion absence bill.

The study also revealed that technology companies had the lowest level of sick days of any sector at an average of 3.4 days, which was about three times lower than public-sector workers (11.1 days), with retail and leisure and engineering and manufacturing workers averaging nine and 8.7 days respectively.

The advanced, comprehensive time and attendance solution developed by Tensor plc, WinTA.NET, provides accurate information about absenteeism and lateness through warning email notifications or via hardcopy reports. The system quickly identifies missing employees that are expected to be at work and then informs managers via automatic email reporting reports distributed by email.

Furthermore, the system features graphical calendar charts that provide a colourful way of viewing an individual’s or a department’s absence records.

Each employee can be allocated different entitlements for absence such as annual leave or allowed sickness. As absence is booked and taken, the remainder available for each entitlement is updated. Entitlement formulae are used to calculate more complex entitlements calculated on a rising scale based upon length of service.

If you’d like to find out more information on Tensor’s comprehensive Time and Attendance and Personnel Management suites, just contact us or Book a Demo, we’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.