Simple attendance recording system merely requires access to a computer

Many theories have been put forward during the past week as to why the riots took place, and some commentators blame a lack of discipline installed in young people through the home and schools. The Prime Minister yesterday mentioned schools that do set an example as he described how part of “the social fightback” involves what happens in the classroom. David Cameron said: “They provide an alternative to street culture by showing how anyone can get up and get on if they apply themselves.”

Tensor can help with its WinTA PC Clock – a simple attendance recording system suitable for anywhere that each pupil has access to a computer. PC Clock's analysis module consists of a scaled-down version of Tensor's acclaimed WinTA Lite time and attendance software. In this case pupils are simply presented with an input screen on their PC allowing them to clock in and out. PC Clock can be used for any number of users and there is no need for additional licences.