We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Time management system emails alerts when employees are missing from work

Health bosses are putting forward an action plan to get workers to set an example over sickness levels and absenteeism. The health board serving the Swansea area said in a report: "As one of the largest employers across Bridgend, Neath, Port Talbot and Swansea – the ABM Health Board should be an exemplar of a public health practising organisation." Statistics for Swansea show the average number of working days or shifts lost through sickness absence was 12.9 days per annum.

WinTA Net, Tensor's world-class web enabled Time & Attendance Management System, is the best there is for time and attendance absenteeism and lateness reporting. Accurate information about absenteeism and lateness is crucial for many businesses. WinTAnet provides this information through warning email notifications, SMS messaging direct to a supervisor's mobile or via hardcopy reports. The system quickly identifies missing employees that are expected to be at work and then informs you via automatic email reporting. Alerts via email are also given on factors like manning levels.