Two thirds of British employers plan to hire more staff over the next three months

Almost 65 per cent of British employers plan to recruit more employees over the next three months, data from the latest Labour Market Outlook (LMO) survey released by the CIPD suggests.

Tensor time and attendance systems for absence monitoring

Research suggests that the jobs market remained buoyant for the third quarter of 2014, with the net employment balance decreasing slightly to +23 from +26 in the spring report.

The poll also revealed that recruitment intentions in the public sector have risen to a five-year high, with 75 per cent of employers planning to take on more staff in the third quarter of 2014. Furthermore, it points out that small and medium sized employers are significantly more positive (+ 47) about their employment prospects than larger employers (+12).

Despite positivity in the labour market, wage growth is expected to remain weak, and output per hour worked is still around 4 per cent lower than its pre-recession level.

“The UK jobs machine powers on,” said Mark Beatson, chief economist at the CIPD.

“Recruitment intentions are high, SMEs provide much of the fuel and we are seeing this all over the UK, with employers in the Midlands and the North having the highest short-term employment optimism. This is great news for job seekers, but we urgently need to see jobs growth accompanied by productivity growth for workers to feel the benefits of the recovery too,” he said.

British firms planning to hire more staff in order to meet increased business demand should also consider implementing solid and reliable Time and Attendance systems, which will provide them with the necessary tools for optimizing their workforce management processes and are vital for assuring a sustainable, long-term growth.

This is specifically the area where Tensor plc can leverage its extensive experience in the field to your benefit, our range of workforce management products and solutions being able to meet any customer’s needs and requirements, regardless of their size.

If you’d like to find out more about the Tensor workforce management solutions, just contact our team or Book a Demo, we’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.