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UK car output lowers due to weak European demand

As European demand lowered over the course of March and due to the early Easter holiday, the UK car manufacturing industry also took a hit, a news report reveals.

British employees work 6.5 extra hours to cover for colleagues’ absence image 1

According to the respective paper, statistics from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) have revealed that volumes in the first quarter of 2013 were also down 2 per cent from the 401,425 produced in the first three months of 2012 to 393,416.

Car output for the home market rose in March by 1.5 per cent to 28,091 but the number of vehicles made for export fell by 8.2 per cent from 107,703 to 98,919.

In order to cut their losses, whenever the level of demand for a specific product decreases, manufacturers tend to adapt their working shifts and lower the workloads. This can be easily achieved with the help of Tensor’s WinTA.NET suite, that allows users to set comprehensive Working Patterns, Rosters, and Shifts, while also adding annualised hours and supporting Flexitime methods of payment.

A number of basic rules control how hours are calculated. These include settings to separate “worked time” into different overtime rates, handle night shift working, insert unpaid breaks when employees do not clock them, etc.

Work patterns are a combination of daily rules that are either a repeating pattern of shifts or a list of alternative rules. Here, WinTA.NET will predict the most appropriate shift depending on the time an employee clocks IN. Each type of pattern can be set up to override the normal pattern and use a specific shift on public holidays or shutdown days.

If you’d like to find out some more information regarding the Tensor WinTA.NET application suite, just get in touch with the dedicated product team or Book a Demo too see it live.