We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Unmanned reception console ensures office visitors can book themselves in and out

PA Sport reports that a former rugby team manager has been landed with a life ban for using fraudulent documents. It emerged that Mike Scott forged a passport and supplied other “false and misleading information” as he attempted to conceal the fact he had not secured the correct visa for one of his London Welsh players. Scott apologised for his actions and said there was no pre-conceived plan in a submission he wrote to the authorities.

A Visitor Management System from Tensor ensures no-one with false documentation successfully enters your business premises. Companies that do not have a front desk receptionist can take advantage of the Tensor Unmanned Reception Console. This Console is operated via touch screen technology only; no mouse or keyboard is needed. Here, visitors with appointments can book themselves in and out and the back office can contact their host upon their arrival. This can be done manually or the host can be automatically notified by email.