We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

Up to nine office absence codes can be stored in workstation

More than one-third of UK workers have ‘pulled a sickie’, says Confused.com. When the consumer website interviewed the staff, they admitted having lied to their boss about the reason they took time off. The latest Confederation of British Industry (CBI) workplace health survey shows that the UK economy lost 190 million working days to absence last year, with each employee taking an average of 6.5 days off sick. CBI figures say there were 30.4 million days of non-genuine sickness absence.

Contingency plans for sickness and recording staff absence are all issues handled by a Tensor clocking station and accompanying WinTA Time and Attendance system. The year-to-view absence planner shows absences for individuals or departments, making it easy to plan office training and holiday dates. Up to nine reason codes for workplace absence can also be stored in a Tensor clocking workstation. These allow your staff to legitimately clock out for configurable reasons such as Dentist, Business or Smoking Break.