We specialise in advanced time & attendance, access control, and security management systems

WinTAnet warns via email of missing employees

Having a puff on company time could be stubbed out from next week in one part of eastern England. William Nunn, leader of Breckland council, which proposes that staff will not be paid in future for the time they take to have a cigarette, said: "We want to make sure this policy is fair for all, including those that don't smoke and don't take advantage of breaks out of the building.” He added: “We surveyed all of our staff and 75% responded and said we should get a policy through the authority which made it fair for all.”

WinTA Net is Tensor's world-class web enabled Time & Attendance and integrated security management system. It handles all absence planning and entitlement management, as accurate information about absenteeism is crucial for many businesses and bodies. WinTAnet provides this information through warning email notifications, SMS messaging direct to a supervisor's mobile or via hardcopy reports. The system quickly identifies missing employees that are expected to be at work and then informs you via automatic email reporting.