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Tensor Supports the Redevelopment of Hail Weston Playing Field

Hail Weston playing field is situated in a prime location in the village of Hail Weston and provides the village with an area to exercise and play outdoors. A couple of years ago the Parish Council received a petition from the younger inhabitants asking for more activities for the over 5’s and young teenagers. Nick Farnden, Chairman of the Hail Weston Parish Council, said “the petition made us aware that there was very little provision for older children in the playing fields and we resolved to do something about it”. After a period of consultation, the Parish Council realised that they had to raise some £40,000 for the playing field redevelopment and that this could be done by a mixture of local, national and lottery (Awards for All) funding.

Plans are now well underway with the first phase of redevelopment on schedule to be completed by Easter 2010. This will enable children and adults to enjoy the playing fields throughout the whole of summer. Nick commended “We intend to have a range of activities to ensure that residents of all ages can participate. Amongst the installations will be a zip wire, multi-activity fort, trim trail, willow tunnel, picnic tables and chairs. We look forward to the area being enjoyed by all of the residents of Hail Weston.”

Nigel Smith, Chairman of Tensor plc, said “Its important for businesses to support their local communities and Tensor are pleased that on this occasion we were able to help”.

In addition to donations, Hail Weston Parish Council is holding a quiz on 6th February at 7:30pm in the Hail Weston Village Hall with proceeds going directly to the playing field redevelopment.