
Digital CCTV brings highest picture quality to monitoring movement at business sites

Camera surveillance technology is helping police investigate the disappearance of a BBC Bristol and Somerset radio presenter. Peter Rowell was filmed on CCTV walking out of a supermarket car park on Tuesday of last week. Det Ch Insp Ian Norrie said: "We know from CCTV his location up to about 9.45am [on Tuesday]. Since then we've had no confirmed sightings and we are unaware of where he has gone.” Mr Norrie urges anyone who has seen Peter to contact police. Recent advances in technology have revolutionised the security sector and, in particular, the methods available to monitor movement. Not only affordable by big business, a Tensor digital CCTV system works extremely well as a standalone system, and can also be fully integrated with any previously installed Tensor access control or visitor monitoring equipment to provide a surveillance and security network that is second to none. It is a PC based, multi channel video surveillance system that utilises the most advanced compression technologies to bring you the highest picture quality and video performance.  

Time clocking station has digital outputs to control fire alarms and wall clocks

Car giant Honda is one of many companies to have been hit by the knock-on effect of the tsunami disaster in its native Japan. Honda has just resumed manufacturing at its Japanese plants, but added that production of component parts and vehicles would only be at 50% of the planned level. This includes the firm’s plant at Swindon. It said its flexible working policy would allow it to make up for the lost production later in the year using 'banked hours'. A world class firm needs a world class clocking recording product. The Tensor T32xx Time and Security Station is simply the best at what it does, and incorporates Smart Card Time & Attendance recording, Access Control and labour hours analysis. It has digital outputs to control door locks, fire alarms, wall clocks, and so on; plus digital inputs for door monitoring, PIR's (passive infra-red detectors) and alarms. Other optional features include: mobile phone SIM card support, MiFare Smart Card technology, GPS automatic location and speaker output.  

Prison visitors have photograph added to bar coded ID pass for easy identification

Police confirmed they have put a plan into operation to hunt down a prisoner who has gone on the. Officers think Leon Passmore could have gone to ground around Swansea after he failed to return to a jail in Monmouthshire where he is serving six years for robbery and possession of an imitation firearm. Welsh police cautioned the public not to approach Passmore, who has served almost two years of his sentence. Using our tried and tested Visitor Pass system, Tensor’s Prison Pass allows HM Prison Service officers to quickly check the identity and monitor the movements of visitors. It is a low cost, easy to install, computer based pass system for registering each visitor, both on and off site. Running on a PC using your Windows™ operating system, Prison Pass allows the pre-booking of legal representatives, contractors and inmate visitors with maximum speed and minimum fuss. A photograph taken by a digital or eyeball camera is printed on a bar-coded pass using a high speed printer so each visitor is easily identified.  

Vehicles disallowed entry or exit until they identify themselves at your premises

The police force is urging owners of rural properties to be on their guard following a spate of thefts. Farms in west Cumbria are particularly being targeted, and the latest incident saw a quad bike being stolen from a farm in the Loweswater area. Inspector Dennis Kelly urged the public to report suspicious activity immediately. “Always take down the registration details of suspicious vehicles, as this can form a key piece of information for subsequent police investigations,” he commented. Companies that own isolated and/or rural sites can use Tensor’s security devices, including CCTV monitoring, gates and turnstiles, and access and visitor control for protection. A Tensor system allows rapid communication when any delay occurs, such as when unauthorised personnel attempt to access a restricted area. The system can stop vehicles or personnel at the relevant barrier and disallow entry or exit until they identify themselves via their smart card and/or biometric fingerprint. Full control is given over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of the day.  

Security and CCTV installations comply with relevant British standards

Considering whether further guidance is needed on how long data collected by CCTV should be retained is one of the issues being tackled by proposals announced by crime prevention minister James Brokenshire. He commented that these systems play a vital role in the prevention and detection of crime. He added that it is “important they’re used in a way that does not invade law-abiding people’s privacy or undermine the public’s confidence in them. Your company can have confidence in Tensor’s ability to provide CCTV and other access control solutions as we have a number of certifications and accreditations. For instance, Tensor was welcomed as new members to the BSIA (British Security Industry Association) in November 2003. The British Security Industry Association is the trade association for the British security industry. More than 500 members are responsible for more than 70% of UK security business. All members must be registered to ISO 9000 with a UKAS accredited inspectorate and must comply with relevant British Standards and Codes of Practice.  

Simple PC based attendance booking system is ideal for schools

A city council has launched a poster campaign aimed at cutting truancy further to help improve exam results. Research shows that missing just two per cent of lessons can cause a one-grade drop in GCSE results, so Southampton’s education chiefs want to drive home that it is vital for children’s prospects that they attend school. Unauthorised absence rates at the city’s secondary schools are more than double the national average, and officials want to send a clear message to parents. Tensor can help improve attendance at school with a scaled-down model of our time and attendance networks. WinTA PC Clock is a simple PC based booking system ideal for schools that allows pupils to accurately record their own individual registering data. They are simply presented with an input screen on their PC allowing them to clock in and out. PC Clock's analysis module consists of a simpler version of Tensor's acclaimed WinTA Lite time and attendance software. Automatic and definable reports showing clockings can be viewed and printed by teachers.  

Greater accuracy and efficiency at work with electronic clocking in procedure

Members of teaching union EIS are trying to come up with an alternative solution to proposed cuts at college. There could be 37 posts under threat but staff said they are developing a rival proposal to save jobs at Dumfries and Galloway College. Steve James, secretary of the local branch of the EIS, said: "We're looking at imaginative ways of cutting, of altering our positions here, and that will affect our own members in the branch.” Tensor’s electronic time and attendance products can help businesses achieve greater efficiency when they are under pressure to cut costs. If your firm is finding it difficult to manage your employees’ time and remove payroll errors and mistakes you should be making it as easy as possible for your employees to clock in and out for work. Employees are either provided with a smart card or may use a fingerprint scanner when they check in and out. There is less time spent transferring data from a time sheet or time cards, and greater accuracy ensues.  

Time and attendance system records details for unlimited number of employees

Fifteen fire emergency calls in Somerset were passed on to the second, or even third station, before a crew responded because of a dispute over the retained duty system. If a fire engine is not on the road within seven minutes controllers ask a nearby station to respond. The brigade is discussing a resolution with unions, said Acting Chief Fire Officer, Peter Smith. He added: "We are in the process of taking this to a disputes' resolution panel at national level." Confusion over working rules is a thing of the past with Tensor’s WinTA Enterprise. It is a top-of-the-range multi-user, networked, multi site Time and Attendance, Access Control, Fire Roll Call and security system intended for larger companies. It provides total control over working rules, payroll, hours and job costing. Complex payment schemes can be set up, based on factors such as the time of working to the grade of employee. WinTA Enterprise operates both the T32xx and T256x clocking stations and can record employee details for an unlimited number of people.  

Smart card contactless clocking produces less wear and tear than swipe systems

Armed with £4.6 million backing from the European Social Fund, support will be given to more than 5,000 workers in a bid to give them new skills and drive forward productivity. Administered through the Welsh Assembly Government, the scheme is focused on businesses operating within key growth sectors. Darren Millar, Conservative Assembly candidate for Clwyd West, said: “It's a great opportunity for firms across the region to invest in their staff through training and personal development to reach their potential.” Businesses can make the most of their staff by adding a Tensor Time & Attendance clocking personnel system. The user friendly, multilingual GUI (Graphical User Interface) makes using the T32xx range of Clocking Stations simple and effortless for workers. With Tensor's fast contactless Smart Card technology a card or badge does not have to be removed from a wallet or purse to be used, drastically reducing the everyday wear and tear associated with dated swipe card systems. The blue card is specifically designed for high visibility use where shop-floor hygiene is paramount.  

Range of alarms and turnstiles can be connected to business security network

In a measure to help boost front line policing British Transport Police (BTP) announced that it has reduced senior ranks by one-fifth. The cut aims to save almost £10 million over the next five years. The BTP's chief constable Andy Trotter said: “I am determined to protect our front line service from budget cuts. I want more officers out there, particularly late at night, to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour and to provide a visible reassurance to the public." Using Tensor’s access control systems you can create a wide range of daily access patterns, which can run past midnight, enabling you to restrict certain areas of your site using time constraints. A range of equipment, devices and releases can be connected to your business security network, which can be operated through your access control software including: alarms and hooters, turnstiles, barriers, door release buttons, electro-magnetic door locks, fingerprint readers and scanners. Audit trail reports are generated showing who was granted or denied access at any location at any time.  

Safety and cleanliness of toilets made easier with coin operated turnstile

As more and more toilets are closed because councils feel under pressure to cut what they see as expensive luxuries, high streets are taking over the provision. Richmond Council in south-west London pioneered a scheme in 2009, where councils pay retail concerns like bars and stores to let people use their public conveniences. It means 14 premises have joined the partnership, in which the local council reviews the toilets to ensure they are safe and clean. Safety, security and cleanliness of public toilets are made easier with a Tensor toilet turnstile which can cope with severe operating conditions and is suitable for indoor and outdoor installations. Coin operated toilet turnstiles have the added benefit of preventing people from wandering into the toilets as they now have to pay for the privilege. The separate coin box can be mounted either in front of the turnstile, at the side, or wall mounted with the cash box at the rear. Our turnstiles offer improved security and are available in a number of styles (half height or full height models) to suit your needs.  

Many CCTV cameras can be viewed through one PC monitor for site protection

A warden at a church said continued thefts were “morale sapping”, and the high price of scrap metal means more churches are being hit. Christopher Luke, warden of St Paul's Church in Spennymoor, added: "We only discovered the latest theft during our All Souls service because of torrential rain pouring through the exposed part of the roof.” He added: "We did not have much lead on the roof, but what we did have was stripped away and caused extensive damage." If your site is also falling victim to theft, a Tensor Digital CCTV system works extremely well as a standalone system, and can also be fully integrated with any previously installed Tensor access control or visitor monitoring equipment to provide a surveillance and security network that is second to none. Digital CCTV is a multi channel video surveillance system that uses the most advanced compression technologies to bring you the highest picture quality and video performance. Compared to analogue CCTV, many more CCTV cameras can be connected to your network and viewed, all through a single PC monitor.