
Resilient smart card security regime runs even when cables are damaged

Mirroring the national trend over the past three decades, Nottinghamshire Police have reported a fall in crime figures for the Keyworth area. January's figures for the areas of Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, Keyworth, Tollerton and the Neville ward have dropped compared with the previous month. There were 31 crimes reported in December 2010 and the number fell to 22 last month. In Keyworth during the past month there were nine recorded crimes, compared with 14 the month before, including a shop theft. Tensor’s simple to use Access Control software, called WinACnet, creates alarm messages when predetermined actions take place, or if a forced entry occurs at your business premises. These alarms are immediately emailed to a specified address. The resilient system keeps running even when certain cables are cut or damaged or PC networks fail. Other features in the smart card operated security regime include sensor monitoring to detect forced entry; and an audit trail showing who has gained access (or has been denied) at any location at any time.

Pupils can clock in and out on their PC to improve attendance

Pupils are facing being made late for school because of cutbacks affecting bus routes. Sophie Allen, from the Campaign for Better Transport, said the loss of the subsidy from Devon County Council to bus companies would leave many services uneconomic to run. In a statement the council said it had been forced into action because of the £5m cut to concessionary bus passes for the over-60s and government cuts to its budget. Tensor, the foremost provider of smart card clocking technology, offers a basic version of its time and attendance system which is tailor-made for schools encountering problems with attendance. WinTA PC Clock remains the best product on the market for small-scale time and attendance monitoring. It is a simple PC based booking system ideal for organisations where each pupil has access to a PC. Pupils are simply presented with an input screen on their PC allowing them to clock in and out. PC Clock can be used for any number of users and there is no need for additional licences.  

Reports immediately printed in an emergency to protect your employees

Emergency services have launched an investigation into the cause of a fire at a row of stores on a retail park. Fire engines were called to the park which is situated in Newport, Wales, after the blaze started in the early hours of the morning. Investigators examined the scene to determine the cause of the incident, and fire and rescue officials from South Wales added that three stores were set alight. Fire roll call software can be added to Tensor's widespread range of security products, whether visitor control and monitoring or access control, to protect your employees. In the case of a fire or other emergency situation, reports are immediately printed containing the vital information concerning who is on site. Unlike most other systems, this function is executed directly from the clocking stations and does not rely on the controlling PC or computer infrastructure. Employees use their smart cards or key fobs to record their presence. If they have forgotten their cards, they can be checked off manually using the generated reports.

Each access point at your business can have different security settings

Thieves embarked on a mini crime wave affecting businesses in the North West which involved grabbing all sorts of equipment. Those premises broken into included barbers, estate agents and a sweet shop in the Bolton area. One of the barbers had its front window smashed with a brick, with offenders stealing takings from the till and clippers. The owners of this shop reported that they lost a day’s business and had to deal with the damage. Operated by contactless smart cards or key fobs, a Tensor Access system gives you full control over who is allowed access to your business through any controlled point at any time of any day, placing it at the forefront of security solutions. The security status of each access point is controlled by the smart card scanner settings associated to that particular access point. These settings determine the locked status of the door, minute-by-minute, 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year. For more details about our security accreditations, click here.

Time and attendance package handles flexitime and overtime

A new report says UK workers do £29 billion worth of unpaid overtime in total each week. The Trades Union Congress (TUC) commissioned the report, which said unpaid overtime was likely to go up in the public sector because of heavy job losses expected during this year as a result of Government spending cuts. TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: "With tough economic conditions making employers reluctant to recruit, existing staff are picking up much of the increasing work load.” Designed for smaller companies, WinTA Lite is the latest in Tensor’s proven range of time and attendance products, from simple collection of employees' clocking data, through to job costing and extensive labour hours analysis. It handles Time and Attendance, European Working Time Directive checking and reporting, multiple shifts, flexitime and job costing. Overtime is easily monitored, and both paid and unpaid breaks are easy to define and calculate. A demonstration edition of the WinTA Lite package is available as a free trial.  

Maximum security full height turnstiles are ideal in unmanned locations

Network Rail said it had been using its anti-theft device SmartWater to protect its cables for a number of months. This was in response to overnight thefts of 50 yards of copper power cable and 50 yards of telecommunications cable which halted services between Bolton and Blackburn and disabled the signalling system. The invisible fluid is sprayed on the cables and then leaves its mark on anything it comes into contact with, such as the thieves' skin or tools. In these days of heightened security, Tensor's gates, barriers, and turnstiles fully integrate with our smart card and biometric access control systems giving you full jurisdiction over movement and access in and around your site. When absolute entrance or exit security is required, full height turnstiles that need no routine maintenance are the perfect solution. Ideal in unmanned locations, they provide maximum security together with a strong visual deterrent. Offering unrivalled reliability, Tensor's full height turnstiles are tamper-resistant and weatherproof ensuring they can last in even the most unforgiving of environments.  

Payroll software enables four different pay bands in each shift

A county council which has had to offload 1,200 jobs this year is set to pay a six-figure annual sum to employ a ‘broadband tsar’. Hampshire County Council is spending £193,000 per year on a two-year broadband project. The sum includes the pay package of the project director, a salary for a more junior officer and £30,000 project development costs. The new project director will head a bid to improve high-speed Internet access across the county, especially rural areas. Tensor’s WinTA Time and Attendance software enables a summary of clocking details to be viewed at-a-glance, showing individuals or groups of employees. Numerous pay grades and working patterns can been set up, including night shifts. Groups are used to define sequences of shift patterns. Each group can be set up to override the normal pattern and use a specific shift on public holidays. Overtime is easily monitored with up to four different pay bands in each shift. Periodic Overtime is used to calculate overtime on weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.  

Tensor Opens New Offices in Great Yarmouth

The seaside resort town of Yarmouth had a boost to its economy today with the opening of Tensors� new offices at Haven Bridge House. At a time when Yarmouth sees monthly closures and redundancies, it�s a breath of fresh air when employment �good news� is reported. Both the television networks and local radio were quick to pick up on the story, as were the local papers. Nigel Smith, Chief Executive of Tensor was kept somewhat busy with interviews. The new jobs will be created over the next 24 months as Tensor expands its Customer Support facilities to meet growing demand for Smart Card products. �We are winning a lot of business from the older, less technologically advanced competitors in Time & Attendance and Access Control� said Nigel Smith. �This has caused us to widen our Helpdesk and other support facilities to meet future expansion.� Tensor has invested heavily in the new facility, which boasts 21st century telecommunications and computer systems and runs on the concept of a paperless office. High-speed ADSL digital links automatically update the network file servers between Haven Bridge House and Tensors� headquarters at Hail Weston in Cambridgeshire. The new communications system handles traffic for Voice, Data and Video. As you would expect, they have installed a first class Time & Attendance and Access Control system to augment the other technology within the new building � made by Tensor � who else?

Tensor Are Now Offering Free On-Site Security Audits

After many customer requests Tensor Plc is happy to offer a Free Security Audit. Most companies and organizations, large and small, are reviewing their current security arrangements and many have been surprised how easy it is for strangers to gain access. Tensor has a lifetime of experience in advising the police, security sensitive organizations, airports and airlines, government departments, local authorities, utilities, international companies and many smaller companies on Access Control and the Identification and Monitoring of employees and visitors. During an audit our Security Specialists will: Visit your site, free of charge, to offer advice on physical access control, employee and visitor attendance monitoring. They will listen to your organization’s requirements and how you wish to manage access for employees and members of the public. They will then help you develop a Security Plan that is user-friendly without compromising site security. Offer state-of-the-art Smart Card technology to give you peace of mind control without being obtrusive or a nuisance to your workforce. Essentially, day and night, you will know where people are and when they passed through specific areas. Help you plan the installation of exterior and interior access controlled doors, turnstiles and car park barriers. They will also advise how these should be connected to existing equipment such as fire alarms. If you are interested in free service is available for a limited period only mail us directly at

Tensor Appoints Technology Partner In China

Tensor has appointed Beyond Leading Biometric Technology Inc. of Shenzhen, China as its new manufacturing, component assembly and technology partner. This appointment will not only allow us to manufacture our sub-assemblies closer to the electronic components source, but also give us an export springboard for Tensor products in South Eastern Asia said Nigel Smith, Chief Executive of Tensor. The two companies will be working closely together utilising Tensors existing Smart Card technology and new sub-dermal fingerprint reading biometric designs with the existing laser-based fingerprint reading systems of Beyond Leading Biometric Technology Inc. It is anticipated that over 2,000 square metres of manufacturing facility will be used by Tensor in Shenzhen. We are very pleased that Tensor have appointed us as their business partner in China, and we look forward to a prosperous long-term relationship with them. , exclaimed Parrich Tan, Executive Director of Beyond Leading Biometric Technology Inc.

Working Time Directive Opt-out, The Story So Far

As we all know, the UK is the only country in the EEC to have an opt-out for workers who want to work more than 48-hours a week. While UK workers cannot be forced to work more than an average of 48-hours per week (normally calculated over 17-weeks), they can voluntarily enter into an opt-out agreement. This must be in writing and signed by the employee. The �opt-out� is due to finish in December 2003. The EEC will now, Undertake a study (due out October 2003-ish) on how the opt-out is being used in the UK. They will look at – overall usage by UK employers/employees – any abuse of the opt-out – relationship between the opt-out and workplace accidents Consult with the European Parliament and Council seeking their opinions and produce a report of recommendations (due out November 2003). The report is likely to – suggest no amendments to the existing opt-out OR – include legislative proposal amending the opt-out. The TUC are leaning on the Government to end the opt-out and the Government currently say they would like to keep it (but they may not get a choice!). The Government also want to be seen as �good Europeans� and simultaneously cabinet ministers criticise the UK�s �long working hours� culture. Separately, the trade union Amicus have brought an action in the European Court claiming the UK has incorrectly implemented unmeasured and partly unmeasured working time in the Working Time Directive. If successful this will affect white collar workers. Many people think it is only a matter of time before the UK looses it�s opt-out. Either way, employers (both public and private) need to make sure that they can prove the hours worked by employees. In practice this means accurately recording start and finish times and the easiest way to do this – is with a Smart Card.

Tensor Achieves ISO9001:2000 Quality Recognition

Tensor plc has been awarded the ISO9001:2000 Quality Management qualification by National Quality Assurance the 2nd largest assessor in the country. This is for Tensor’s entire operation of the design, manufacture, installation and servicing of their Smart Card and Biometric Time & Attendance and Access Control products. This qualification is independent recognition of the quality of Tensor and it’s products said Nigel Smith, Chief Executive of Tensor. It adds even more power to our slogan, Tensor – the name you can trust in Time & Attendance and Access Control he said. To find out more about the ISO9001:2000 qualification the please visit the National Quality Assurance website.