
Automatic bollards a trusted way to control access to restricted facilities

A series of depots were targeted by officers seeking illegal scrap in London on Monday and Tuesday, resulting in 10 arrests and a number of stolen cars being recovered. Also among a stack of suspected stolen objects found in the capital were many memorial plaques. Two metal cutting machines were unearthed at one business as police executed a search warrant. Both the owner of the yard and one of its employees were charged in connection with the raid. Tensor can help stem the tide in stolen metal by beefing up security at scrap yards. Tried and tested in a range of environments, automatic bollards are a trusted way to control access to private roads and restricted parking facilities. The bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised, typically within three seconds. An access control device, such as a smart card, can be combined with your automatic bollards, enabling quick and easy raising and lowering of the post.

Company software deals with regulations on 48 hour working week

A spokeswoman clarified the position of the prime minister over a report commissioned on employment law. One of its proposals is to call for shorter periods of consultation over compulsory redundancies. The spokeswoman said of the Beecroft report: “The government's position on employment law is that it needs to support business, encourage growth, while at the same time ensuring that employees rights to work were not weakened,” adding that PM David Cameron is not tied to particular set of proposals. Tensor helps companies negotiate through the maze of employment laws with our time and attendance software which among its functions handles working regulations, including the EU Working Time Directive. The most commonly known clause within the Directive, is that which is concerned with the 48-hour working week and the opt-out associated with it. As the British and European leader in clocking systems, Tensor are consistently providing new features in our software whenever the legislation changes, thus ensuring compliance with the EU Working Time Directive.

How to have employee shifts for a particular day changed in advance

Baroness Warsi has accused the GMB union of ruining the Jubilee weekend. The Conservative Party chairman was commenting on strike action by staff employed by airport ground service company Swissport, which includes stoppages over the Queen's Diamond Jubilee bank holiday in June. The GMB said the introduction of new rosters would lead to a reduction in baggage handlers’ incomes. A spokesperson for the airport authorities said it was disappointed but expected flights to operate as normal. Tensor has a range of clocking networks designed for large or small firms which solve any rostering, shift or working patterns problems. WinTA Enterprise for bigger companies holds details for up to 2000 employees, including a photograph of each person, if required. There are numerous extra features that can be implemented on your time and attendance system to take into account diversity with working rules between different organisations. Via the Shift Swapping function employees may have their shift for a particular day changed in advance.  

Lists of banned individuals updated in real time by prison pass system

Police have warned members of the public not to approach a prisoner on the run. Eithan Teanby was on a weekend release from a Lincolnshire jail and there are fears because he is currently on medication. Det Insp John Symes said Mr Teanby’s family were worried, and added: “We are growing concerned. My understanding is that Mr Teanby is currently taking prescription medication and we have concerns that he may not have access to his required dosage.” Using Prison Pass from Tensor, HM Prison staff can rely on receiving a simple to use, highly secure way of monitoring your prison visitors. Lists of banned individuals are maintained and updated in real time by the computer based pass registration system. The list is checked during registration and will immediately warn prison staff both visually and audibly as an option. Separate databases are offered in the same package with separate structures to allow maximum speed, minimal storage and excellent reporting and checking facilities.  

Fingerprint workstation with speech output eliminates fraudulent clocking

Tesco CEO Philip Clarke has opted not to take an annual bonus of about £372,000 following a poor performance in its main British market. The retail colossus is now investing about £1 billion in an attempt to stem a dropping UK market share. Clarke, a former Tesco shelf stacker, emailed a statement to the Reuters news agency: “I decided at the beginning of the year that I would decline my annual bonus for 2012. I wasn’t satisfied with the performance in the UK.” Tensor’s contactless Smart Card or Fingerprint Biometric methods of clocking provide the fastest and safest way of recording attendance. The T32xx Biometric Clocking Unit has colour LCD display to bring an all-in-one, affordable, IP enabled, attendance recording workstation. This innovative unit will give your company irrefutable control over working patterns rules. Equipped with biometric fingerprint technology, GPS auto location, speech output, video and mobile phone support you can eliminate fraudulent clocking and manage your global business environment better than ever.  

Business entry well protected with tamper resistant full height turnstiles

An English Heritage site manager spoke out about criminal acts at a 2,500 year-old tourist attraction. Peter Bleach said the latest damage to Scarborough Castle is “extremely disappointing.” He added: “People often climb the 300-ft cliff walls to gain access during the night. This is very dangerous as the walls are 900 years old and are unstable.” Taking the fence and warning signs were “very irresponsible. Whoever did this placed themselves and the public at serious risk of death.” Tensor’s gates, barriers, and turnstiles are ideal for protecting and securing outdoor sites or exterior areas of a business. Our barriers fully integrate with our smart card and biometric access control systems. When absolute entrance or exit security is required, full height turnstiles are the perfect solution and they are suitable for unmanned locations. Tensor’s full height turnstiles are tamper-resistant and weatherproof ensuring they can last in even the most unforgiving of environments. For more information on a Tensor turnstile, please contact our sales team.  

Anti intruder magnetic door release can be installed without PC connection

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was today (Monday) accused live on television of war crimes by an intruder. The footage of the protester was captured because Mr Blair at the time was giving evidence about the influence of the media on politics. The protestor shouted accusations about the Iraq war at the ex-PM before being removed from the Royal Courts of Justice. Mr Blair went on to deny all allegations made by the man. Tensor access control devices ensure that intruders do not gain entry to your premises. The Tensor T3512 Low Cost 1 Scanner System involves magnetic door release with built in door monitoring using a smart card scanner. The T3512 can be installed without a PC connection. Here, it is easily installed and set up using a Master Card to add or delete users. Whilst the T3511 controller performs best when connected to a PC, using it in standalone mode means it can function in the simplest of environments, with minimal fuss.  

Job costing and clock on system communicates in real time

Ministry of Defence officials said an arms deal secured by BAE for £1.9bn ($3bn) would safeguard more than 200 UK jobs while providing Saudi Arabia with “cutting edge officer and aircrew training capability”. PM David Cameron said the deal was “more good news for British jobs, for British investment and British Aerospace”. BAE will supply Hawk trainer jets built at various sites to the Saudis. The Unite union’s Ian Waddell said a “massive challenge” remained to save 650 jobs. Tensor supplies cost-saving Time & Attendance systems that are leaders in the field of payroll, job costing and absence monitoring. The new range of T32xx clocks actively communicate with the computer system when a person clocks, books them ‘ON’ to a job or uses their smart card to open a door. Real time communications provides you with the information as it occurs. All user activity within the system is recorded for audit purposes, with time and date transactions of information both before and after changes.  

Fire roll call software prints list containing names of onsite employees

On Monday a chemical plant was hit by a huge fire. The blaze at a processing plant in south-east London sent smoke billowing over the city. A dozen fire crews fought the flames, which overtook around half of the factory warehouse when the conflagration was at its peak. The incident was reported in the early hours of the morning and the fire was put out by about 06:50, London Fire Brigade said. Fire roll call software that will automatically print off a report in the event of a fire or other emergency can be included within Tensor’s security products. In an evacuation situation, staff members simply log themselves on and off site using either their proximity read smart cards or key fobs. In the event of an emergency, the fire roll call software informs the office while simultaneously activating your existing warning system. An evacuation list which contains the names of your onsite employees is then printed at a safe pre-determined remote point.  

Up to nine absence reason codes can be stored in staff clocking stations

Doctors next month will take industrial action for the first time since the 1970s. GPs have defended a decision to refuse all non-urgent care for a period of 24-hour action on June 21. A majority of doctors voted in favour of action in a ballot of 104,000 union members over pension changes. Dean Royles, director of NHS Employers, commented: “We know that doctors are anxious about changes to their pensions. But no-one wants to see patients dragged into the argument.” Tensor are the specialists in attendance monitoring networks using the latest clocking technology. Our user-friendly clocking stations enable staff to swiftly view their absences, to book jobs and to request holidays. Up to nine absence reason codes can also be stored in the clocking station. These allow clocking out for configurable reasons such as Dentist, Business or Smoking Break. Using the WinTA software you can define multiple paid or unpaid breaks and ask it to insert breaks if an employee does not clock them.  

Personnel product includes training information for pending company courses

“Occasionally saying we have the best generation of teachers we’ve ever had in no way compensates for the onslaught of attacks,” is the call of arms from union boss Christine Blower. The NUT general secretary is advocating strikes by teachers over pay in the autumn term while fellow union leaders suggested refusing to co-operate with some government initiatives. At a joint press conference this week Ms Blower and NASUWT leader Chris Keates said the teaching profession was in “crisis”. Easily upgradable Personnel and Time and Attendance integrated products from Tensor allow the bespoke installation of a new version as and when your company grows in size. All versions of Tensor’s software come complete with EU Working Time Directive modules. The software includes training information for pending courses, including locations, descriptions and notes; plus a Pay Reviewer function including reports, projected pay increases and salary expenditure. Overtime, multiple pay bands/shifts and night shifts are other features of our leading attendance recording smart card systems.  

Alarms and hooters can be connected to workplace access control unit

Judges have called for additional security in court because they fear being attacked. When asked, one of the factors they were most concerned about was the small stature of some security officers who are handcuffed to convicts during court hearings. The questions arose in the first-ever survey by the Scottish Court Service on the views of judges and sheriffs on their work. Suggestions for improved security included screening of people entering courts to be put in place at all times. Tensor Access Lite is the latest in our proven range of commercial access control products, from simple door and registration point control, through to a fully computerised global network. With Tensor Access Lite and Tensor’s Access Scanners, you can control most standard types of internal and external electronic, magnetic door releases and devices at the workplace. A variety of access equipment, devices and releases can be connected via the scanner control unit including: alarms and hooters, break glass buttons, door locks, fingerprint readers and scanners.