
Read the latest news and blogs surrounding access control, time and attendance systems and integrated security solutions with Tensor plc.

CCTV leads to suspected burglar being caught case study image
Biometric fingerprint technology improves security at your business case study image

Biometric fingerprint technology improves security at your business

Biometric systems prevent a clocking-in procedure being abused by employees or unauthorised people trying to gain access – remember, crime costs businesses £19billion annually according to the British Chambers of Commerce. Biometrics is the technique of studying the unique physical characteristics of a person such as your fingerprint, hand geometry, eye structure or voice pattern, as a way to provide irrefutable proof of identity. Tensor time and attendance or access control systems provide an effective "two-factor" security authorisation of an individual when fingerprint recognition is used in conjunction with a smart card. Because Tensor Biometric units read under the skin (sub-dermal) and not just under the surface of the finger, this form of I.D. is very difficult to defraud. The Tensor T32xx Biometric Clocking Unit is simply the best of its kind there is, being an all-in-one, affordable, IP enabled, Smart Card/Biometric Time & Attendance recording and security Access Control workstation; incorporating Job Booking, Job Costing, Labour Hours Analysis and Security Management including quality CCTV playback. Equipped with biometric fingerprint technology, GPS auto location, speech output, video and mobile phone support you can eliminate fraudulent clocking, and improve security at your business. The user friendly, multilingual GUI (Graphical User Interface) makes using the T32xx simple and effortless for all employees likely to use – a smart card can be read in under ¼ second even if it is covered in oil and grease – as well as keep out those not permitted to enter.  

CCTV is the answer to police budget cuts case study image

CCTV is the answer to police budget cuts

The 2010 general election followed by the likely period of hard decision making for the next government means tough decisions on spending cuts in order to tackle the massive national debt caused by excessive government spending and the bank bale-outs. All parties say they will not reduce police numbers but many police forces are already taking measures for the cuts to come. Like other public sector services the of members of the constabulary and their business managers are looking at ways of still providing public protection whilst cutting costs. West Midlands Police for example have streamlined and reorganised their back office systems to be more efficient and cut costs. Part of this includes installing a new Time & Attendance and Access Control system so that they know where officers and other resources are and where they can be deployed. Unlike almost all public sector IT systems, this one appears to have gone in on time and on budget! Business also need to form a greater partnership with the police and take their own proven measures to prevent themselves from being victims of crime. An integrated security system that combines the functions of CCTV, Access Control and Attendance Monitoring is a good start. Here, video clips digital CCTV cameras are tagged against attendance and access control time & date stamped transactions to provide an instant integrated security system that enables businesses to simply manage the 1st level of security themselves. Tensor plc designs, manufactures, installs and an perennially maintains CCTV and integrated security systems for industrial, commercial, and public sector sites across the UK. Our systems produce cost effective evidence quality CCTV and activity monitoring that is tailor-made to meet your requirements. Where we do not manufacture particular pieces of equipment, we used products manufactured by Panasonic, Samsung, Genie, Pelco, Dedicated Micros, Wavestore and many more. The BSIA (British Security Industry Association) has investigated the use of CCTV and access control systems within the public sector and says that the spending on CCTV and other security measures is worthwhile. They noted that CCTV images are frequently called upon in the criminal justice system to help secure prosecutions. Tensor PLC is a member of the BSIA so you can trust the reliability of our products and services. Security and surveillance CCTV and integrated security systems are available for indoor and outdoor environments – day and night.

How Tensor’s Time and Attendance helps beat pupil truancy case study image

How Tensor’s Time and Attendance helps beat pupil truancy

Tensor is helping pupils gain better attendance records at schools and beat truancy through its Time and Attendance technology. It is vital that children do not miss school, plus it is the legal duty as parents or guardians to ensure the regular and punctual attendance of their children at school. But partnering Tensor has made life easier for parents, teachers and pupils. Tensor’s Time and Attendance systems, incorporating Smart Cards, Key Fobs, or Fingerprint Biometrics, are suitable for any organisations, including schools. A product like WinTA handles all your Time & Attendance and security and software needs in one integrated security management System. It is so important to monitor pupils’ attendance. The time you have to prepare your child for his or her future is very important. Each year, there are just 190 statutory school days. If your child were to miss one day a week for their whole time at school, they would miss the equivalent of two years’ school! That would be like not starting school until you were 7 or leaving at 14. Tensor, whose equipment provides the fastest and safest method of recording attendance, have already installed systems in schools. For example, Holywell Middle School, based near Cranfield in Bedfordshire, educates pupils aged from 9 to 13 years old and needed to be able to account for staff as accurately as for the pupils. Schools are impressed by Tensor because elements like its Fire Roll Call can be integrated into the Attendance Monitoring system.

Berkshire manufacturer Coca Cola controversy over sick days label case study image

Berkshire manufacturer Coca Cola controversy over sick days label

It claimed employee absence was costing the UK’s economy almost £12bn-a-year in lost working days, so when the wording on a Coca-Cola branded drinks said "If you’ve had to use sick days because you’ve actually been sick, then you’re seriously missing out." It was bound to cause some controversy. The Glaceau Vitamin Water advert, which angered the Forum of Private Business, continued: "The trick is to stay perky and use sick days to just, not go in."   Coca-Cola, – which has head and regional offices based in Uxbridge and Slough – said the advert was in no way meant as a serious recommendation. Timely arrival of employees for work is important for most employers, so if clocking in and out is important to you as an employer in the capital, and you need to keep on top of the matter of workers’ unauthorised sick days, the recent furore over Coca-Cola’s advertising campaign might make you think its about time you had a more user friendly method of registering employees hours.  The good news if that a  time and attendance and monitoring system from Tensor using its famous smart cards is available at a very low price, starting from only £1,495 plus VAT. This system can manage all your attendance (and absence) reporting. The smart cards allow employees take to using the system very quickly, good when using new technology. It includes a simple PC software package for monitoring working patterns, overtime, and job costing.

Tensor at the 2010 Home Office Scientific Development Branch Exhibition case study image

Tensor at the 2010 Home Office Scientific Development Branch Exhibition

The Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) series of events is the most significant police and security equipment exhibition in the UK. It has a well established international reputation. HOSDB 2010 is closed to the general public with all exhibitors and visitors approved to participate beforehand. Exhibitors are all vetted in advance of participating by the Home Office and visitors have a strict criteria applied to establish their eligibility to attend. HOSDB and their annual equipment exhibition have been developed to reflect the greater responsibilities of the organisation in a changing security climate. The strict criteria maintains a high quality of visitor to the event so that exhibitors can rest-easy in the knowledge that they can display products which may be considered sensitive if public visitors were permitted access. HOSDB 2010 is owned by the Home Office Scientific Development Branch and organised at FIVE, Farnborough on their behalf by A|D|S Group. International delegations to the event were organised and coordinated by UKTI DSO. The exhibition visitor’s include departmental representatives from police forces around the UK and Europe and all emergency services and government departments such as the Home Office, prison, customs and immigration services, government security and MoD departments. Ashley Smith, CEO of Tensor plc, was on hand to present the latest Tensor access control and security equipment as used by British Police and other Governmental departments. He told the Tensor reporter, “HOSDB 2010 has given us and our customers, from the UK and abroad, an opportunity to discuss customer requirements within a confidential environment”. International Delegations also attended the event to review the “best of breed”  from the British security manufacturing industry.

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